来源:本站 作者:九游娱乐平台客服 发布时间:2024-06-23 浏览人次:

  1. Soup will be served the first九游娱乐(jiuyou)每天为您提供近千场精彩体育赛事,更有棋牌游戏、电子竞技、彩票投注、真人娱乐、电竞顶尖赛事、最热门的欧洲杯和世界杯直播等。玩法多样,任您选择,带给您最丰富的游戏体验。. If the soup is too hot, you can wait until it gets cooler. 2. Dishes will be placed on the turntable. 3. Every time when a dish is served, the most important people take the first bite. Then others take their bites as the table turns. Sometimes, when there are kids, the youngest kid will take the first bite to show the care from adults. Having Dinner 4. Do not stick chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, because this makes the chopsticks look like the incenses we burn when we are worshiping the dead or praying the god. So it is like you are worshiping people sitting the other side, which suggests that he is dead. Therefore, this action is viewed unlucky and impolite. 5. Usually, you pick up some food, like a piece of meat, placing it in your bowl first, and then eat it. This makes you look less eager and more elegant. 6. Before you pick up something from the plate, you need to decide which one you are going to pick. Once your chopsticks touch the food, you can do nothing other than picking it up and put it in your bowl. Don’t ever try to rummage the one you like in the plate. It is impolite. 7. If there are public chopsticks and spoons, you’d better use them when you pick up foods. 8. When you are eating, close your mouth to make less noise. 9. Do not speak when there are things in your mouth. /Do not speak before you finish eating things in your mouth. 10. Do not play with you chopsticks: Do not knock the bowl with your chopsticks. That’s what beggars usually do. That makes you poor. 11. If the food is juicy, use the spoon to help. Do not make the juice split everywhere. When something is hard to be pick up, use the spoon to help, too. 12. To show the warm welcome to the guest, the host will cheer the guest up and try to persuade the guest to drink wine as much as he can. Or the host will be viewed as bad serving. If you can not drink wine, tea and other drinks are also OK. 13. If you have to cough or sneeze, use a towel